Saturday, 5 March 2016
quote [ Marble Machine built and composed by Martin Molin Video filmed and edited by Hannes Knutsson Costume designed by Angelique Nagtegaal Swedish band Wintergatan... ]
Swedish band Wintergatan has made a musical instrument out of 3000 marbles wood and metal. Something for fans of both music and tinkering. There are also a bunch of related build videos up on you-tube as well.
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
quote [ Mongolian Folk Metal!
New CD Out Now: Song from the album Blood Sacrifice Shaman (Metal Hell Records 2015) ] Mongolian Folk Metal Complete with Tuvan Throat singing.
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
quote [ WASHINGTON ? President Obama vetoed a bill Tuesday that would have approved the Keystone XL pipeline, making good on a threat to reject a proposal embraced by Republicans as a jobs measure but opposed by environmentalists as contributing to climate change. ]
Well he did something I agree with. have seen a few other items from more biased sources saying congress is short 4 votes to overturn the veto too!