take that, verb tenses
I think I got most of the errors, let me know if I missed any. -steele
All posts by tom the fish
Friday, 18 December 2020

How The New Yorker Fell Into the “Weird Japan” Trap

quote [ I don’t doubt the veracity of these stories, but I am deeply skeptical of the way they are often framed: to maximize the inherent strangeness of the Japanese. Americans, after all, are also having less sex and committing suicide at a higher rate and dying alone and doing kinky cosplay, yet I don’t get the sense reading these stories that these trends are indicative of the fathomless mysteries of the American soul but rather the product of identifiable material and social circumstances. ]

Every time there's a WaCKy JApaN story in the news, I get fifty million links from friends and relatives about it. From now on I'm replying with a link to this article.

I guess you only get 3 free articles from the New Republic, so the full article is in the extended:

[SFW] [people] [+8 Interesting]
[by tom the fish@10:27pmGMT] [2 comments]

Monday, 15 June 2020

Man Discovers A Still Working 30-Year-Old Apple Computer In His Parents’ Attic

quote [ My kids thought things were insanely retro when my wife and I played NES Super Mario on the oldest's Switch.

Tomorrow morning their definition of retro is going to shift significantly. ]

I miss hacker screens and ASCII art and green text on a black screen.
[SFW] [history] [+4]
[by tom the fish@10:46pmGMT] [7 comments]

Saturday, 23 February 2019

A Night at the Garden

quote [ Q: How did you decide on the editing approach?
A: At first I thought I’d make a traditional documentary – with an historian explaining the background of the group. But when I started cutting the footage together, I realized there was real power in just watching it unfold, without explanation. When most people watch it, at first they are puzzled: “What is this?” ]

Nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary - Short Subject. It's the shortest nomination ever at under 8 minutes. It happened in 1939, but if it doesn't look familiar to things happening today....
[SFW] [history] [+5 Underrated]
[by tom the fish@1:59amGMT] [2 comments]

Friday, 13 July 2018

Independent Voices

quote [ Independent Voices is an open access digital collection of alternative press newspapers, magazines and journals, drawn from the special collections of participating libraries. These periodicals were produced by feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Hispanics, LGBT activists, the extreme right-wing press and alternative literary magazines during the latter half of the 20th century. ]

It won't come again. It's a joke to pretend.
[NSFW] [literature] [+4 Original]
[by tom the fish@9:50amGMT] [0 comments]

Friday, 22 September 2017

African Horror Movie Posters

quote [ Most of these horror movie posters were hand-painted on the backs of flour and grain sacks and in my opinion need to be on display in a museum somewhere. ]

I often search for grindhouse-type movie posters to make fliers for my events, and I came across this terrific collection.
[SFW] [art] [+8 Original]
[by tom the fish@1:52amGMT] [2 comments]

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