beauty really is only skin deep, especially in the case of the vagina
I think I got most of the errors, let me know if I missed any. -steele
All posts by knumbknutz
Tuesday, 12 October 2021

San Diego police officer charged with pulling gun in alleged road rage

quote [ He is now assigned to administrative duties. His attorney says it was the other driver who engaged in “serious” road rage. ]

When I hear someone say " it was the other guy who was doing the road rage!" the first thing that comes to mind is "that shit didn't work in the 3rd grade, and it's not gonna work with your boss..."
[SFW] [crime & punishment]
[by knumbknutz@7:42pmGMT] [7 comments]

Friday, 8 October 2021

US Marshals have tracked down man they were looking for at Dodgers game -- but that's not enough to nab fugitive

quote [ Marshals Deputy Pat Valdenor met with the man and his family in a Los Angeles suburb and fingerprinted him to confirm his identity, Danielle Shimchick, deputy US marshal, confirmed to CNN.

Through that process, Valdenor was able to clearly see the difference between Ruffo's fingerprints and the man at the Dodgers game. A birth certificate also separated the two men. ]

I'm gonna type that again - "met with the man and his family in a Los Angeles suburb and fingerprinted him to confirm his identity. A birth certificate also separated the two men."

What the ever loving fuck? A grainy picture and an anonymous source on a phone call, and the cops storm his house and demand he prove who he is?

Didn't know whether to tag it as this, or dystopian violence. The U.S. is fucked.
[SFW] [crime & punishment] [+1 Interesting]
[by knumbknutz@3:08pmGMT] [2 comments]

Thursday, 25 February 2021

The 50 Greatest Apocalypse Novels

quote [ The end of the world is never really the end of the world—at least not in fiction. After all, someone must survive to tell the tale. And what tales they are. Humans have been pondering the end of existence for as long as we’ve been aware of it. ]

An older article from last year, but thought I'd share it. Two of my faves ("The Postman" and "Cloud Atlas") are on it, as well as McCammon's "Swan's Song." I always felt McCammon never got the recognition he deserved.
[SFW] [SE Book Club] [+2]
[by knumbknutz@9:53pmGMT] [2 comments]

Now Ted Cruz may be buying his own books through a mystery company

quote [ A leadership PAC attached to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to a mystery company that had previously bought copies of Cruz's book, according to recent filings with the Federal Election Commission. The expenses raise questions about whether the controversial conservative senator (and Cancún frequent-flyer) used those political campaigns, and Donald Trump's attempt to subvert the democratic process, to raise money for himself. ]

He wrote a book? He should try reading one first.
[SFW] [do it yourSElf] [+2]
[by knumbknutz@9:43pmGMT] [1 comment]

Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Board Members Resign From Texas Electric Grid Operator After Mass Power Outages

quote [ The Electric Reliability Council of Texas has been heavily criticized after last week's winter storm left more than 4 million Texans without power for several days. ]

Hmm. Maybe having a $900k a year lawyer in charge of a statewide power grid doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Then again we had a reality TV show personality in charge of a whole country, so perhaps qualifications don't matter anymore.
[SFW] [environment & nature] [+2]
[by knumbknutz@5:51pmGMT] [3 comments]

NASA Rover Beams Back First Sounds Ever Recorded From Surface of Mars

quote [ NASA’s Perseverance rover has recorded the first audio clips captured on the surface of Mars, beaming back to Earth guttural sounds of wind gusting on the red planet. The first-of-its-kind audio was released Monday, along with extraordinary new video footage of the rover as it descended and landed last Thursday. The images are among the most sophisticated yet taken of Mars, and… ]

There's nothing out here but rocks!
[SFW] [science & technology] [+2]
[by knumbknutz@4:24pmGMT] [1 comment]

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

The White Dots in This Image Are Not Stars or Galaxies. They're Black Holes

quote [ The image above may look like a fairly normal picture of the night sky, but what you're looking at is a lot more special than just glittering stars. Each of those white dots is an active supermassive black hole. ]

A little sciency-type stuff for a Tuesday
[SFW] [science & technology] [+2]
[by knumbknutz@10:27pmGMT] [0 comments]

What NY prosecutors could learn from Trump's tax records

quote [ Trump’s accounting firm, Mazars USA, is supposed to turn over not only the final versions of Trump’s tax returns, but also draft versions of those returns and “any and all statements of financial condition, annual statements, periodic financial reports, and independent auditors’ reports” held by the company.

That could give state prosecutors an “open book” into Trump’s finances, said Adam D. Citron, a former state prosecutor and partner at Davidoff Hutcher & Citron. “It’s really the kitchen sink.” ]

Word on the street is, he threw an adderall fueled temper tantrum, and tore up his hotel room at mar-a-logey after the SCOTUS announced their dismissal of his attempt to get the access for these blocked from the Manhattan DA.
[SFW] [crime & punishment]
[by knumbknutz@6:09pmGMT] [0 comments]

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Trump's Mar-a-Lago neighbors are taking legal action to try to force him to live elsewhere

quote [ The president is said to be planning to move to Mar-a-Lago permanently when he leaves the White House on January 20. Some of his neighbors, however, have written a letter to Palm Beach authorities and the US Secret Service saying that Trump has no legal right to live there full time.

The Post said it obtained a copy of the letter, in which it says the neighbors mentioned an agreement that Trump signed in 1993 when he sought to turn what had been a residence into a private club.

Under the terms of the agreement, no guest is permitted to stay at the club for more than "three non-consecutive seven day periods" during one year. ]

Just another example of how he has spent his entire life. Even with all the publicity, he just goes ahead and ignores an agreement he has made.
[SFW] [politics] [+1 Underrated]
[by knumbknutz@9:04pmGMT] [13 comments]

Friday, 20 November 2020

Do Trump's Lawyers Know What They Are Doing?

quote [ Here’s the problem: the townships and precincts listed in paragraphs 11 and 17 of the affidavit are not in Michigan. They are in Minnesota. Monticello, Albertville, Lake Lillian, Houston, Brownsville, Runeberg, Wolf Lake, Height of Land, Detroit Lakes, Frazee, Kandiyohi–these are all towns in Minnesota. I haven’t checked them all, but I checked a lot of them, and all locations listed in paragraphs 11 and 17 that I looked up are in Minnesota, with no corresponding township in Michigan. ]

For those not watching the "please keep me out of NYS-DOC for the rest of my life" reality show - here's the latest shitshow from the fatberg in charge. $20000 a day - that's what Rudy is getting paid.
[SFW] [Mafia] [+3 Funny]
[by knumbknutz@4:24pmGMT] [7 comments]

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