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Tuesday, 2 January 2024

Mickey Mouse is free: Day Disney feared has finally arrived

quote [ The day Disney has been fighting against for decades has arrived. The copyright to Mickey Mouse has expired and passed into the public domain. ]

So fanart for fan fiction called Steam Boat Willy would be OK now?
[SFW] [Big Brother] [+5 Good]
[by R1Xhard@3:17pmGMT] [6 comments]

Friday, 24 November 2023

NTSB Calls for Technology to Reduce Speeding in All New Cars

quote [ WASHINGTON (Nov. 14, 2023) ? The National Transportation Safety Board investigation into a multivehicle collision in North Las Vegas, Nevada, last year that resulted in nine fatalities has led the board to recommend a requirement for intelligent speed assistance technology in all new cars ]

And cue the beginning gov overreach into control they can exert onto newer vehicles
[SFW] [Big Brother] [+1 Good]
[by rylex@10:41pmGMT] [13 comments]

Sunday, 13 August 2023

Co-owner of Kansas newspaper dies after police raid

quote [ Police served a search warrant to the Marion County Record?s Joan Meyer, 98, after the paper?s investigation into local restaurateur ]

Nevermind the old person's death, this is huge. Total violation of first amendment signed off by a judge

[SFW] [Big Brother] [+5 WTF]
[by rylex@7:39pmGMT] [4 comments]

Sunday, 21 May 2023

See your identity pieced together from stolen data

quote [ "Companies are trying to use the sheer scale and profitability of their shady data practices to shield them from the law."

And with Experian disclosing a breach in 2015 and then another in 2020, it's clear these firms are attractive targets for cybercrime.

In fact, one of the largest breaches collated by Have I Been Pwned has also been traced back to a "likely" customer of data-enrichment company People Data Labs. ]

HaveIBeenPwned.com is around for a while now. I didn't know that most of the breaches orginated at data vendors, though.
[SFW] [Big Brother] [+3 WTF]
[by Paracetamol@4:27pmGMT] [0 comments]

Friday, 7 April 2023

Tesla Employees Have Been Meme-ing Your Private Car Videos

quote [ What kind of videos would employees share? Former staffers remember stuff like ?dogs, interesting cars, and clips of people recorded by Tesla cameras tripping and falling? all being big hits. In one popular video, the car?s owner?a man?approached the vehicle totally naked. In another instance, employees enthusiastically shared a video of a child on a bike getting hit by a car (the child and the bike ?flew? in opposite directions, former employees said). ]

It's probably been almost a decade, but I'd just like apologize for ever suggesting the existence of this company might be a positive thing.
[SFW] [Big Brother] [+5 Informative]
[by steele@8:30pmGMT] [13 comments]

Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Centrelink's Pega-based payments engine is live

quote [ The project will let Services Australia retire the mainframe-based system that currently handles entitlement calculations for payments administered by Centrelink. ]

Relevant or not, it leads me to ponder.

Pega like? pegasus or like Peg a Sus citizen.

[SFW] [Big Brother] [+1 Informative]
[by R1Xhard@2:25pmGMT] [5 comments]

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

So is this free or free with a free trial?

quote [ So I got a 4 month free trial on YouTube, are these movies free for everyone?

{steele This link broke the PrepPost. {}

Unless you doing admirable SYSOPS. ]

Please not this post was made under the influence of jackfruit mead.

[SFW] [Big Brother] [+1 WTF]
[by R1Xhard@8:40amGMT] [1 comment]

Monday, 26 September 2022

Women Used the Rule of Law to Challenge Trumpism

quote [ In 1873, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that women had no constitutional right to practice law...in a constitutional democracy, enduring power lies in the people who step into the fight.. by the book?s conclusion, the narrative is complicated; chapters that bring us to the present day reveal a reluctant but palpable doubt as to whether American constitutional democracy will, in fact, ultimately empower women.. ]

A way of connecting dots, including anti-Muslim laws, anti semitism Charlottesville, misogyny Kavanaugh's confirmation attack on Christine Blasey, women's rights Supreme Court Dobbs (repeal of Row V Wade) to say dignity, equality, justice, law, truth and reason are merely abstract words.
[SFW] [Big Brother]
[by yunnaf@1:44amGMT] [6 comments]

Thursday, 7 July 2022

Arizona Sets 8' Distance Limit On Recording Police Officers

quote [ House Bill 2319, sponsored by Rep. John Kavanagh, makes it illegal for anyone within 8 feet of law enforcement activity to record police. ]

Sounds like the original version of the bill was set for 15', but it was lowered. I am certain we will see this bill replicated in other states, and then the distance increased overtime.
[SFW] [Big Brother]
[by rylex@8:49pmGMT] [4 comments]

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