Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Porn sites must age-verify British users starting July 15

quote [ Sites that don't verify age could get blocked by British ISPs. ]

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[SFW] [Big Brother] [+10 Sad]
[by mechanical contrivance@6:24pmGMT]


Silent said @ 9:36am GMT on 18th Apr [Score:4 Interesting]
Finally a thing I have some experience in, and it's porn!
While doing a bit of freelance work for a porn distributor last year (I was living the dream!) this topic came up, and they really have no idea what to do over it.
In fact, I even broached the subject of a one-stop verification, much like how for a couple of years you could sign in to all those sites with Facebook, but unsurprisingly no one had really given any thought to such things.

Though things may have changed in the last year, no one knew what was expected, no one knew what was going to happen, but they all knew it was going to be a clusterfuck.

The UK tried doing a "Great porn firewall", where you had to opt-in to porn with your ISP, but that didn't really come to anything, and now they're putting the onus on websites.
"Click if you're 18+" doesn't work, and as far as I can see other than -every- site requiring a Credit Card just to access, there's no way for every porn-featuring website to verify the users age and even then, that's not going to be 100%.

But fuck it, porn isn't solely found on "porn sites", Reddit, Tumblr and Twitter are havens for adult content, and shit even regular D&D twitter accounts share content made by porn stars.

I'm just going to ramble at this point, bye guys!
Dienes said @ 7:18pm GMT on 17th Apr [Score:3 Insightful]
In other news, VPN usage in the UK skyrocketed on July 16th.
moriati said @ 8:46am GMT on 18th Apr [Score:1 Underrated]
I knew keeping those old copies of Razzle would pay off in the long-term.
steele said @ 7:02pm GMT on 17th Apr
Feel free to send me your credit card numbers for verification purposes. Better let me know your limits too, just to be on the safe side. Unrelated, but have y'all seen the DJI Mavic 2 drone? The 360 photos it takes are gorgeous in VR and at $1500-ish, it's quite a steele.
Paracetamol said @ 7:11pm GMT on 17th Apr
Still more feasible than database updates, I suppose?
steele said @ 7:28pm GMT on 17th Apr [Score:1 Good]
LOL, yeah, we're about 40 $10 subscribers short (and then some) from where I'd be comfortable with getting us on our own server. I'm working on a way around our database limitations though. Gonna find out how much data we can store in a cookie and local browser storage and still remain usable. ;) Though, legally, I'm supposed to be making y'all aware of that too. Technically, I should be blocking EU traffic from using the site. There's a lot I haven't gotten around to doing that I should be in order to keep up with GDPR or whatever it is. Mostly in the paperwork side of things; TOS, Privacy Policy, Cookie Notice, etc.

This did just give me a caching idea though.
rylex said @ 3:20am GMT on 18th Apr
im sure all fish and numbers just read in your textwall was "site is non-compliant like a mf"
Fish said @ 9:33am GMT on 18th Apr [Score:-3 Boring]
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rylex said @ 2:29am GMT on 19th Apr [Score:-5 Trollfood]
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Fish said @ 12:00pm GMT on 19th Apr [Score:-5]
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rylex said @ 4:19pm GMT on 19th Apr [Score:-5 Trollfood]
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Fish said @ 8:51pm GMT on 19th Apr [Score:-5 Boring]
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Fish said @ 9:32pm GMT on 19th Apr [Score:-5 Boring]
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rylex said @ 2:51am GMT on 20th Apr [Score:-5 Trollfood]
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Fish said @ 3:20am GMT on 20th Apr [Score:-5]
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rylex said @ 3:33pm GMT on 20th Apr [Score:-5 Trollfood]
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Fish said @ 4:10am GMT on 21st Apr [Score:-5]
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Fish said @ 4:25am GMT on 21st Apr [Score:-5]
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cb361 said @ 7:56pm GMT on 17th Apr
Clearly this is what parliament has been concentrating on for the past two years.
mechanical contrivance said @ 8:18pm GMT on 17th Apr
The law passed in 2017, actually. It takes effect this year.
damnit said @ 8:29pm GMT on 17th Apr
So just acknowledging you’re of age and clicking continue won’t work anymore?
mechanical contrivance said @ 8:45pm GMT on 17th Apr [Score:2]
Nope. You have to hand over your personal information to the web site operator. Also, there's nothing in the law that prevents the site operators from misusing that data. There's the EU's General Data Protection Regulation, but the UK is trying to leave the EU, so don't expect much protection there.
Jack Blue said @ 7:41am GMT on 18th Apr
When is Theresa May born?
mechanical contrivance said @ 1:09pm GMT on 18th Apr
cb361 said @ 7:16pm GMT on 18th Apr
You'll need to turn on your webcam so they can watch your masturbate and verify your age.
C18H27NO3 said @ 9:45pm GMT on 20th Apr
Do my grey pubic hairs count?
cb361 said @ 10:49am GMT on 21st Apr
Definitely. The problem is finding enough cats to do the watching.
JWWargo said @ 7:20am GMT on 18th Apr
Perhaps GB will see a return of popularity for the Ye Olde Porno Shop.
mechanical contrivance said @ 1:13pm GMT on 18th Apr [Score:1 Classy Pr0n]
Maybe someone will start publishing Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies again.
JWWargo said @ 6:52pm GMT on 18th Apr
snowfox said @ 5:54am GMT on 20th Apr [Score:1 Underrated]
I think they'll see a return of woods porn. You know, those stacks of magazines in a plastic bag left in the woods...

That was before my time, but I am familiar with the concept. Maybe these kids will have woods USB sticks full of videos left there by... who the fuck was leaving porn in the woods anyway?? And why?
arrowhen said @ 7:14am GMT on 20th Apr [Score:1 Informative]
We had a stash of woods porn when I was a kid. Someone's dad or older brother or something threw out a pile of old porn magazines, the kid fished them out of the trash, and the woods were the logical place for a group of kids to hide illicit community property.
snowfox said @ 5:53am GMT on 20th Apr
It's ok, SE, I know none of us will be affected because we're probably all over 30 at this point.

Unless we want to fight for a child's right to access porn...? I... I think that will come off badly. I do feel bad for the teens if only because porn was a key part of the mystery and majesty of the internet when I was that age, but I am not going to go out in public and say we should give teens porn. People will get the wrong idea XD
C18H27NO3 said @ 9:48pm GMT on 20th Apr
Don't worry. Those of us old enough to remember life before the internet know there are ways to get pr0n. The mystery and majesty of pr0n won't be forgotten when the internet is gone.

mechanical contrivance said @ 1:04pm GMT on 22nd Apr
The problem isn't that people under 18 won't be able to get porn; the problem is the things adults will need to do to get porn. Things like giving the porn site operators a credit card number or information from a government-issued ID. And there's nothing in the law preventing the site operators from misusing that information.
0000 said @ 10:36pm GMT on 22nd Apr [Score:-1 Boring]
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Fish said @ 12:02pm GMT on 19th Apr [Score:-2]
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rylex said @ 2:53am GMT on 20th Apr [Score:-3 Trollfood]
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Fish said @ 3:21am GMT on 20th Apr [Score:-3 Boring]
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rylex said @ 3:22pm GMT on 20th Apr [Score:-4 Trollfood]
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Fish said @ 4:28am GMT on 21st Apr [Score:-3]
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