Wednesday, 29 January 2025
quote [ It’s simultaneously the most social of human expressions and the one most disruptive of social edifices and rules. Shared, sanctioned laughter might bring us together, but unsanctioned laughter shows the cracks, revealing that we’re not quite who we think. ]
Monday, 27 January 2025
quote [ For instance, a video called ‘1000MPH Fidget Spinner Bisexual Threesome’ literally features three spinners ramming into each other with excellent narration. ]
From 2018 about monopolized, data-driven porn companies, as seen on a response illustrating the social media development article.
Sunday, 26 January 2025
quote [ Care about stuff on the web? *You* need to act to archive it. ]
Interesting way of collecting short instructions on various scraping tools.
The site has a little archive of other accessible manifests.
Saturday, 25 January 2025
quote [ This is an alternative frontend to Reuters. It is intented to be lightweight, fast and was heavily inspired by Nitter. ]
Great thing it has a search function as well. Nitter is almost dead by now, though 1 instance still works by using proxy accounts.
Friday, 24 January 2025
quote [ In what would become a pattern in Africans’ relationship with Europe, Africans were almost always the initiators of discovery of both Europe and Africa, which contradicts discourses on discovery that exaggerate the role played by the “daring” European explorers of Victorian lore. ]
This got mentioned in comments about historical depiction in video games and is an interesting read.
Thursday, 23 January 2025
quote [ Ideally, I'd like the selection of games in each newsletter to be fairly broad. I probably won't feature demos for hugely anticipated games or games from major franchises, because you likely already know whether you want to play those or not. ]
Nice weekly reviews of interesting – mostly indie – demos.
Tuesday, 21 January 2025
quote [ You'll be contributing to important health research just by pottering around ]
This is a short online game gathering data on your playful behavior (much like marketing heat maps, I guess) to get a feeling about how social groups behave for disease reasearch.
Monday, 20 January 2025
quote [ from embedded sound clips for Vivaldi's The Four Seasons to buttons on the pages of Jungle Sounds and play-along tracks for the keyboard and drumming books. I’m the person responsible for creating all the music and sound effects and ensuring they’re of the highest possible quality. ]
Interview with a UK musician responsible for producing audio clips in children's books.
Sunday, 19 January 2025
quote [ a human body comprises around 30 of the 118 elements in the periodic table; an iPhone 75 elements ]
Great uneasy article on humanity doing the paperclip maximizer on itself with tech waste.
Thumb via clawmarks, see original page.
Tuesday, 14 January 2025
quote [ The article’s argument [about Internet porn] is that the presentation of porn - and people’s sense of what other people’s sexual interests are - is shaped by algorithms that respond to the sharp difference between what people want to see and what people are willing to pay for.
[…] The collective perspectives that emerge from social media - our understanding of what the public is and wants - are similarly shaped by algorithms that select on some aspects of the public, while sidelining others. And we tend to orient ourselves towards that understanding ] Despite a clickbait title that part is eerily spot-on.
Alt thumb via New Old Stock because the AI visual looks a bit ugly.
Previous 10 entries by Paracetamol > |
P.S.: Great notes on universal insults from the same author.