Monday, 11 August 2014

Robin Williams dead, suspected suicide

quote [ On August 11, 2014, at approximately 11:55 a.m, Marin County Communications received a 9-1-1 telephone call reporting a male adult had been located unconscious and not breathing inside his residence in unincorporated Tiburon, CA. The Sheriff?s Office, as well as the Tiburon Fire Department and Southern Marin Fire Protection District were dispatched to the incident with emergency personnel arriving on scene at 12:00 pm. The male subject, pronounced deceased at 12:02 pm has been identified as Robin McLaurin Williams, a 63-year-old resident of unincorporated Tiburon, CA. ]

One very underrated actor. A comedic and intellectual genious in my opinion. Too bad.
[SFW] [obituaries] [+10 Informative]
[by Onix@11:08pmGMT]


sanepride said @ 11:00pm GMT on 12th Aug [Score:3 WTF]
Rush Limbaugh blames Robin William's death on his "leftist worldview".
ComposerNate said @ 10:47am GMT on 13th Aug [Score:1 Underrated]
Referring to "leftists": “They’re never happy, are they? They’re always angry about something. No matter what they get, they’re always angry.” - Limbaugh

Is Limbaugh ever not angry? I thought that was his product, righteous indignation.
Onix said @ 1:06am GMT on 13th Aug
I meant to post a +1 WTF. Sorry.
HoZay said @ 2:57am GMT on 13th Aug
Got it.
XregnaR said @ 6:20pm GMT on 13th Aug
What. A. Cunt.
sanepride said @ 12:00am GMT on 14th Aug
Rush claims his comments were taken out of context, blames liberal media.
ComposerNate said @ 10:38am GMT on 14th Aug
That's another old standard of Limbaugh's; bringing back the classics! One can't properly be righteously indignant without personal victimization. He must be angry.
GordonGuano said @ 12:08pm GMT on 14th Aug
So they left out the bit where he prefaced his comment with, " I'd have to be a jenkem-huffing imbecile to say...", right? Damn that liberal media!
foobar said @ 2:52am GMT on 12th Aug [Score:2]

(I think Mr. Williams would want us to laugh)
Bleb said @ 11:41pm GMT on 11th Aug [Score:1 Underrated]
Please don't be autoerotic asphyxiation...
Bleb said @ 11:46pm GMT on 11th Aug [Score:1 Underrated]
,,,by which I mean to say: with his initial cause of death listed as asphyxia, I'm hoping the internet isn't about to be flooded with salacious and unsubstantiated rumours that are going to fuck with the legacy of someone I admired.
underdog said @ 11:44pm GMT on 11th Aug
Said no-one on SE ever.
Fox Mulder said @ 12:33am GMT on 12th Aug [Score:1 Underrated]
Why are you telling me that?
underdog said @ 12:38am GMT on 12th Aug [Score:1 Funny]
I want to bereave.
Taxman said @ 12:44am GMT on 12th Aug [Score:1 Funsightful]
What Dreams May Come 2: The Return
buzhidao said @ 10:23am GMT on 12th Aug [Score:1 Underrated]
something about him always bugged me, to the point i would avoid movies with him in them. too frenetic/manic, maybe? made me uncomfortable. anyway, i kinda feel bad about not liking him now that he's dead and all.
damnit said @ 6:41pm GMT on 12th Aug
His acting was so much different than the way he was in interviews and in public. But he was good at improv that they would incorporate it to his characters in movies.
Mythtyn said @ 3:34am GMT on 13th Aug [Score:1 Informative]
Another died today. Actress Lauren Bacall died of a massive stroke at age 89.
mechanical contrivance said @ 3:48am GMT on 13th Aug
I'm surprised she was still alive.
Mythtyn said @ 3:51am GMT on 13th Aug
Me too. That is why I just commented in this thread instead of a separate post.
Bob Denver said @ 5:54am GMT on 13th Aug
There was a beautiful woman with style. She always said that there was no one like Bogie.
Resurrected Morris said @ 11:11pm GMT on 11th Aug
He checked into rehab just over a month ago...
steele said @ 11:12pm GMT on 11th Aug
kylemcbitch said @ 11:13pm GMT on 11th Aug
Co-worker just linked me this story. He was an overall decent guy. He stole some jokes, but he usually tried to compensate comedians for them. His movies made me laugh, and his Broadway show where he tore into Bush at the height of fears of terrorist was inspired.
Bruceski said @ 11:25pm GMT on 11th Aug
He was really open about stealing jokes, since his comedy style was stream-of-consciousness it was difficult to get a filter in there. Less intentional theft and more "yeah if I try to turn it off my entire bit freezes up, here's a check." I can appreciate that.
underdog said @ 11:17pm GMT on 11th Aug
ooo[......7 said @ 11:21pm GMT on 11th Aug
worst celeb death since Mr Rogers.
Hikaru1 said @ 11:22pm GMT on 11th Aug
Oh no.
Bruceski said @ 11:28pm GMT on 11th Aug
Since this is someone I actually care about I tracked down confirmation from the original source.

Sadface. He was a funny guy.
Mr. Langosta said @ 11:28pm GMT on 11th Aug
bltrocker said @ 12:16am GMT on 12th Aug
The last tweet from his Twitter ( was wishing Zelda a happy birthday a week and a half ago. Pretty sad.
Bruceski said @ 11:31pm GMT on 11th Aug
I wonder if this means Night at the Museum: the Legend of Curly's Gold will get a pity Oscar.
rash1 said @ 11:34pm GMT on 11th Aug
Abe Vigoda is still clinging to this mortal coil.
Onix said @ 11:49pm GMT on 11th Aug
I knew someone was to mention Abe Vigoda.
Dumbledorito said @ 12:30am GMT on 12th Aug [Score:1 Funny]
I bet Abe Vigoda is the first to know when another celebrity dies, one way or the other.
Onix said @ 12:37am GMT on 12th Aug
Maybe he is like the "Black Racer" for Hollywood celebrities, he is actually their Grimm Reaper.
Anti_fuites said @ 11:34pm GMT on 11th Aug
Of all his work I think my favorite is still his first comedy album, Reality...What a Concept. Think I'll grab a couple of beers and go listen to that now.
SnappyNipples said @ 11:42pm GMT on 11th Aug
bltrocker said @ 11:59pm GMT on 11th Aug
World's Greatest Dad was a great movie.
Bob Denver said @ 12:09am GMT on 12th Aug
Wow...just when I thought I couldn't get any sadder. Requiescat in pace
Dumbledorito said @ 12:34am GMT on 12th Aug
On a personal note, he and Carrie Fisher are the only two celebs I can see certain clips of on video and know they're coked to the gills.
Onix said @ 12:40am GMT on 12th Aug
That's weird. I can only think of Carrie Fisher in a steel bikini, nothing more.
sanepride said @ 1:01am GMT on 12th Aug [Score:1 Funny]
Not recently though.
Onix said @ 1:41am GMT on 12th Aug
Sorry, I am old.
damnit said @ 5:02am GMT on 12th Aug [Score:1 Funny]
That's a sensitive subject for Sanepride

sanepride said @ 3:22pm GMT on 12th Aug
How is it sensitive? Not like I ever tried to deny it.
cakkafracle said @ 12:06am GMT on 13th Aug
sensitive much?
sanepride said @ 2:03am GMT on 13th Aug
OK OK just get off my damn lawn.
snowfox said @ 2:24am GMT on 12th Aug
Share some of these clips?

Most of the people on coke I've seen were like drunks, just more extreme. More happy, more angry, more prone to just fall over and go to sleep, etc.
Dumbledorito said @ 3:22am GMT on 12th Aug
For Fisher, the best one is where she's telepathically communicating to Luke as he hangs from Cloud City. You can really see her pupils dilating.

As for Williams, the ones I'm trying to find are either not online or are a part of a comedy special I don't know the name of. It was a concert/performance that was cut up and used ALL the time on Comedy Central, and you've probably seen bits of it here and there. He's wearing a skin-tight top with medium-length sleeves and sweating profusely as he wanders through a seated audience in a club setting. It's not one of the standard "Live" vids for sale on Amazon. Any help from the audience?
KingPellinore said @ 2:17pm GMT on 12th Aug [Score:1 Funny]
Was it this one?

HoZay said @ 1:17am GMT on 12th Aug
yogi said @ 2:04am GMT on 12th Aug
Wow. How sad. Last time I saw him was at the Mill Valley Book Depot. He seemed subdued at that time--a couple years ago or so.

If he had gone into rehab just over a month ago, it was the third time, from what I understand.

I don't judge him. Pain control needs to occur on all levels, and I think suicide is a move towards pain relief.

Now, they say it was asphyxiation. That could mean a bunch of things: he coulda took some pills and then put a bag on his head, or he was going for that extra-special happy ending....
bobolink said @ 2:44am GMT on 12th Aug
I was more about Mindy in the early days. Later it was hard to tell if he was manic or coked out or both but he was always funny. The work he did portraying mental illness and it's environment was brilliant. Too bad.

It's a strange feeling but this reminds me very much of when I heard Jim Morrison died.
pleaides said @ 2:50am GMT on 12th Aug
felix said @ 3:15am GMT on 12th Aug
damnit said @ 5:03am GMT on 12th Aug
Dumbledorito said @ 8:26pm GMT on 12th Aug [Score:1 Underrated]
I really dislike this sentiment. Williams wasn't imprisoned by something that could only be solved by his own death. I think this is a horrible hand-wave to try and make a tragedy seem like a happy ending to a fairy tale.

No sir, I'll have none of it.
damnit said @ 8:49pm GMT on 12th Aug
It's not the "being free" part that I latched on to.

It's Aladdin saying goodbye, Genie saying goodbye and them hugging it out.
Dumbledorito said @ 9:56pm GMT on 12th Aug
Sorry. I've been seeing it all over the 'net and most people are using it to send a really poor message about suicide.
snowfox said @ 10:16pm GMT on 12th Aug [Score:1 Insightful]
Is it any different than religious people saying he went to Heaven?
pleaides said @ 8:24am GMT on 12th Aug
He made that film. I watched it recently with my kids and I'd forgotten how full of soppy music it was, but the bits with the genie made up for all that and then some. I found I could quote huge portions of it, just as I still can with Good Morning Vietnam.

I was obsessed with that film as a young teenager, and I was amazed when I was told that alot of it was off the cuff. The man was a comic force of nature. We're all pretty morose in my house this evening. My wife rang me at around 9am this morning to tell me the news. All the guys at the boatshed were stunned, and we had a few beers after work this afternoon and traded favourite memories.

I wonder if he would have been pleased to observe the nearly worldwide paroxysms of sadness at his passing.
biblebeltdrunk said @ 5:48am GMT on 13th Aug
this is what Disney posted to there facebook.
GordonGuano said @ 12:53pm GMT on 12th Aug
I'm just glad there are a couple of decades and quite a bit of decent work between this happening and Toys.
thepublicone said @ 1:29pm GMT on 12th Aug
A colleague of mine ran into him at a club in Toronto during the film fest there a few years back. He said it was just before Williams went into rehab, and that the man was the funniest thing he had ever had the pleasure of experiencing. He wasn't there to perform, just a guest, yet he seemed to wander the room, off-the-cuff completely, and everyone was on the floor laughing when he moved away. He said the man had the entire room at his beck-and-call.

Which was perhaps the problem- being "on" as he was whenever you are in public must be tiring to the soul, especially if you suffer from depression.

Definitely one of the greatest improv people in existence. Its a pity he goes out with "The Crazy Ones" because other than his improv, that show was utter shit.
XregnaR said @ 4:09pm GMT on 12th Aug
sanepride said @ 5:57pm GMT on 12th Aug
Robin Williams USO performance interrupted by 'retreat':

Bob Denver said @ 11:22pm GMT on 12th Aug
Time to watch "What Dreams May Come" again.
graham said @ 3:37am GMT on 12th Aug [Score:-5 Bad]
filtered comment under your threshold
kylemcbitch said @ 3:48am GMT on 12th Aug [Score:1 Underrated]
I understand the sentiment, but having suffered through depression and having seen others do the same... bravery has little to do with it.
thepublicone said @ 1:36pm GMT on 12th Aug [Score:1 Insightful]
Gotta agree- it changes the way you think and perceive the world. Things you never would have thought you would resort to become the rational and logical conclusion. My bout with depression and anxiety showed me that, and I never came close to the depths some people go. Mine took a person who lived for physical activity, and turned them into a couch-potato who did not have the energy to move- it literally reversed my behaviour, and climbing out was perhaps the single hardest thing I have ever done.

I am loathe to think what something deeper and more engrained could do to others.
AssBastard said @ 5:00am GMT on 12th Aug [Score:1 Underrated]
Sorry Grahammy, but mental illness saps any strength that people would normally have. There's a supreme, unfathomable darkness and helplessness that eats the willpower and soul and bravery of people with mental illness and/or depression, and, while I don't understand his reasons, I understand his circumstances.
spleen23 said @ 5:29am GMT on 12th Aug
Things got bad for me once. Just being done, seemed really appealing.
Deciding factor was not leaving a burden of grief and dealing with a body on my family.
If you got nobody, and you want to check out, your choice.
You got family, especially children, that will spend years wondering if they failed you, coward is the right word.
kylemcbitch said @ 6:02am GMT on 12th Aug [Score:5 Insightful]
There is nothing cowardly about leaving unanswered, or unanswerable questions. In fact, that is a large part of the human condition. I don't want to make a case for suicide, because I am strongly against it. However, this line of reasoning is belittling.

By all outward appearances, Robin Williams had a fine daughter and son. Do not presume to understand their questions, or grief any more than you should presume to understand the motivation behind Robin's actions. Just because you found a path that granted you insight enough to preserve your life, doesn't mean you should look down on others that failed to reach your understanding.

Coward is not the right word. Perhaps lost, with its many connotations and meanings, is the word best suited.
Onix said @ 6:20am GMT on 12th Aug
Thank you, sincerely.
snowfox said @ 6:39pm GMT on 12th Aug
Any time someone calls suicidal people cowards, I have to assume that person is themselves suicidal or had someone close to them commit suicide.

Otherwise... they're just being a judgmental prick.
kylemcbitch said @ 12:53am GMT on 13th Aug
Perhaps, or maybe they are simply saying the thing that gives them the comfort to carry on. However hollow it might be, believing that you'd be a coward to kill yourself could work on certain personality types to remove the ability within themselves to carry such an action out.

I don't want to take that from anyone. We all need our reasons to carry on. But yes, if you are going to voice a judgemental opinion upon the dead then you better have solid logic on your side.
AssBastard said @ 9:22am GMT on 12th Aug
Sorry, but the thing is, you don't know his circumstances. They were most certainly different than yours. Mental illness is something that will drain the color and brightness from someone's world. I'm happy that you were able to overcome your bad situation, but for many, it's not a matter of overcoming a situation, it's a matter of hoping against hope that tomorrow will be even slightly better. It's a matter of not having the willpower to even move some days, because your brain has turned so completely against you that it's made it abundantly clear that the world, your friends, your family, and even yourself, will be better off if you were no longer around, being an anchor around their necks and dragging them down.

Mental illness will lie to you until you are completely detached from reality. You will not just think things that aren't true, you will KNOW them unequivocally.
LL said @ 3:00pm GMT on 13th Aug
does mental illness prevent you from thinking about your family and their feelings?

I ask this seriously. Robin Williams had children who are in a world of hurt right now, and will be for the rest of their lives. Is not thinking only of yourself, and how you want to take the exit, selfish? Hell, for all I know his kids might have wanted him to kill himself instead of living with the pain of depression.
snowfox said @ 5:50pm GMT on 13th Aug [Score:1 Underrated]
Let's say you have a chronic pain disorder... when are you allowed to die? At what point is your own well-being important enough to be your first priority? Or are you obligated to keep living in misery until there isn't a single person who thinks they need you?

We cannot live our lives forever indebted to others merely for the fact that we live. Your life is yours and no one else's.
arrowhen said @ 3:07pm GMT on 13th Aug
It can make you think things like, "they'll be better off without me."
steele said @ 11:26am GMT on 12th Aug [Score:1 Insightful]
Yeah, but it's hard to be brave when your own mind is against you.
Onix said @ 8:58pm GMT on 12th Aug [Score:2 Good]
Oh. It is, believe me. I would rather give up sometimes and just crouch under a rock and let the world go by instead of having to face my "failures" as a person. Believe when I tell you that a change of attitude is really hard to do, and killing those imps inside your brain and sould is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Medication or not, the fight is there to be fought and while I can choose to avoid it, I much rather face it, since I want to live the rest of my life in a good way. There is a lot of spiritual and mental work to do, but nobody will do it but me. Trust me, I have been there and the only reason I am still alive is because I did not want to irreversibly mess up my kids. I am very lucky that it did not get to the point that I did not care about it or considered myself a liability (sp?) for them and decided to put myself out of their way. Now I understand I can male things better, one step at the time.
bobolink said @ 3:58am GMT on 12th Aug
Capitalization, spelling, and punctuation are all correct. You can't be that ignorant. Must be flamebait.

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